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About Sea Addicts

About us

Sea Addicts was founded by Buali, Mariam & Isa who embody a deep passion for diving. Born from years of diving expertise and dedication, we connect divers with the ocean's wonders. Dive with us locally or internationally to rediscover the sea's magic.

Mission and Vision

Our Goals

To introduce people to the marine environment, through exciting interactions with unimaginable encounters.

To build an international dive team and build in them a sense of being an environmental protector.

To provide and expand the knowledge of every sea addict with the appropriate systems and materials to become better and safer divers.

To promote the sustainable use of Earth’s resources through education and awareness projects.

To provide individuals with the skills needed to explore, study and enjoy the environment through our educational systems and courses.

Our Focus

Reduce and re-use to eliminate single use plastics and other waste!

Zero paper usage through electronic platforms and QR codes.

Easy online educational programs to encourage and promote continuous learning.

Provide affordable travel and dive insurance through affiliations and their partners.

Core Value

Sea Addicts promotes a safe, healthy working and diving environment with an experienced team to the meet all the training needs of our customers.

At Sea Addicts we ensure that our team of professionals are fully trained and regular evaluations are done to ensure that the team maintain adequate knowledge and fitness.

Experience Complete Weightlessness

"From birth, man carries the weight of gravity on his shoulders. He is bolted to earth. But man has only to sink beneath the surface and he is free".

Jacques Yves Cousteau